Seminare, Workshops und Zertifizierungsschulungen in Ihren Räumlichkeiten oder bei einem Anbieter Ihrer Wahl. Im Präsenzseminar bietet sich die Möglichkeit zum intensiven Austausch untereinander und der Ausarbeitung der Themen in Theorie und Praxis. Gerade Workshops profitieren hier von der direkten Interkation zwischen den Beteiligten in der Anwendung des Erlernten.
Flexible Gestaltung und örtliche Unabhängigkeit in der Erweiterung Ihres Wissens. Über die gängigen Plattformen lassen sich bequem und einfach Austausch und Zusammenarbeit online realisieren. Zur Ergänzung der Therie bieten sich für die Praxiserfahrung eine Vielzahl an Bereitstellungsmöglichkeiten von Hard- und Software an.
The TYPO3 CMS file system abstraction layer can use and combine any number of file storage systems and locations while remaining completely transparent to editors. Existing file service integrations include Akamai, Alfresco, SixOMC, Cumulus, QBank DAM, Dropbox, Magento, Bynder, and Amazon S3.
Microsoft Messaging and Collaboration
Use TYPO3 CMS as the content management, business logic, and content provider for native mobile applications and front-end frameworks, as well as fully-responsive websites for website visitors and admins.
Microsoft Azure und Microsoft 365
TYPO3 CMS keeps a full, unlimited, auditable history of content publication and revision. Browse all changes in a visual data comparison via “diff” and selectively undo, or even undelete!
Microsoft PowerShell
A major part of getting on-page SEO right is consistency. With TYPO3 you can optimize for search engines on the go as you create individual pages with features like URL structure, page titles, and headers. It also allows you to quickly add your own meta description and meta tags.
Full Responsive Backend
The administration interface, called TYPO3 Backend, can be managed from any modern web browser, including tablets and smart phones the same way. Publishing a small change on-the-go or working with tablet devices to add content has never been easier.
Runs everywhere
You can install TYPO3 by downloading with or without composer. Putting it on a web server or on a cloud service like Microsoft Azure or Amazon AWS is simple - due to proper separation of content, configuration and other assets like caches and temporary files. Use any database you like MySQL/MariaDB, postgreSQL, SQL Server or SQLite - due to the underlying database abstraction.
Reliable Upgrade Paths
From its inception TYPO3 has emphasized the importance of stable APIs and full backwards-compatibility. The TYPO3 core team follows a regular release schedule and take great care to ensure easy, non-breaking updates.